Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekly Blog Post

Hey guys what's up its Jay. Happy Monday night. I went to work today, hung out at my house with my roommate and my staff and the supervisor. And also I was watching the after-Oscars and also Star Trek and flipping back and forth from that. My nephew is doing much better from when he was sick and I am going to be busy the rest of this week doing stuff that I need to do, but I will keep posting as much as I can and as often as well. Have a great Monday night and talk to you guys soon!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This is not Jay. This is an imposter who happens to be typing what he writes...with embellishments of course.

Hey guys,
Wazzup? On Monday the 16th of 2009 in the month of February, which also happens to be President's Day I did not have to work that day. So, I wandered up to Payson with some of my amigos and two amigas to frolick in the freshly fallen snow. It was lovely. Delightful even!
You know those 'No Parking' signs they have on the sides of the roads? The snow was about halfway up them! If providence provides the opportunity I shall at a later date post the pictures of this momentous occasion on this here blog. Then you shall all see for yourselves. Also, there happened to be a snowball fight. I did not win. Or lose. I was so sneaky. Hey Ty! Don't put that in there... Oh wait. I went off course there. Yes, I do why do you ask? You can post that now Matt. Ugh. I'm so confused.
Anywho, I will once again talk to you all later. Keep an eye on my blog for any new updates.
Mostly cordially, The One and Only, Truly and Completly, Super Manly and Handsome, Yes, Even Myself, Jay Lavine Smith the V.