Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hey guys whats up? I am posting this blog to keep you up to date what is going on with me and what is going on with Special Olympics. This Saturday I am going to be in the tournament at Kino Junior High, address is 840 N. Horne Mesa, Az 85203 for all who want to be there. I will be doing the flotation portion of the tournament! Hope to see ya'll there! It starts at ten in the am! Lots of love ~Jay~

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hey guys, this is jay again. This is my blog posting before I go camping the week of June 7th to June 12th. Hey, what has been up guys? Not much has been up with me. I've just been extremely super busy with work and such. I had last monday off and went and spent the day in tombstone arizona, which is down by tucson. It was Wyatt Earp days in tombstone. I'm going camping at Kaibab Lake. I will be back the 12th, which is that following friday. Oh, and also, I have the third of July off and also the fourth. (Yeah, real busy...) I will post pictures from our camping trip at the lake. I am going to attempt to go fishing, which I have not tried in a while. Well, I will put something up when I get back. 
Talk to you guys later!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Special Olympics

Hey All!! I'm participating in a Special Olympics track meet Friday April 18th! Consider yourselves invited! It's from 4-10 p.m. @ Mesa High School (1630 E Southern Ave in Mesa, AZ)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In Memory of Jason

My cousin Jason was a really good person and I liked being around him because he was really nice and helpful to me when we went to visit Albequerque as a family. I am writing this blog post about him because I have not put one up about it yet, so I am writing about him now. I keep in contact with his mom and dad and the rest of his family in Albequerque. Well, that's it - I'll keep you updated for the next post. Kefel'.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekly Blog Post

Hey guys what's up its Jay. Happy Monday night. I went to work today, hung out at my house with my roommate and my staff and the supervisor. And also I was watching the after-Oscars and also Star Trek and flipping back and forth from that. My nephew is doing much better from when he was sick and I am going to be busy the rest of this week doing stuff that I need to do, but I will keep posting as much as I can and as often as well. Have a great Monday night and talk to you guys soon!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This is not Jay. This is an imposter who happens to be typing what he writes...with embellishments of course.

Hey guys,
Wazzup? On Monday the 16th of 2009 in the month of February, which also happens to be President's Day I did not have to work that day. So, I wandered up to Payson with some of my amigos and two amigas to frolick in the freshly fallen snow. It was lovely. Delightful even!
You know those 'No Parking' signs they have on the sides of the roads? The snow was about halfway up them! If providence provides the opportunity I shall at a later date post the pictures of this momentous occasion on this here blog. Then you shall all see for yourselves. Also, there happened to be a snowball fight. I did not win. Or lose. I was so sneaky. Hey Ty! Don't put that in there... Oh wait. I went off course there. Yes, I do why do you ask? You can post that now Matt. Ugh. I'm so confused.
Anywho, I will once again talk to you all later. Keep an eye on my blog for any new updates.
Mostly cordially, The One and Only, Truly and Completly, Super Manly and Handsome, Yes, Even Myself, Jay Lavine Smith the V.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hey all. Tis jay - for the last few weeks I've been off of my ride and on my feets. In fact I've been a quadriped! I've been using crutches more and have even taken them to work. I think the twins were surprised on Sunday to see me like that. I'm getting buff and my metabolism is sky rocketing - aka I eat alot!I'll catch you guys later. Bye for now.